FACT/SF Online classes
This series of 9 contemporary dance technique classes is only open to dancers who have previously taken class with Charles Slender-White.
The current class schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from March 15 to April 2, from 10a-11:15a. Classes will be taught via Zoom. FACT/SF is exploring the possibility of offering classes throughout 2021 in this format. Like the first series, this second series of classes is also experimental in nature. This second series also takes into consideration the feedback we received during the first series and via participant surveys.
The series costs $35 (less than $5/class), and participants are free to attend as many or as few of the classes as they’d like. Information will scaffold from day to day, and week to week, so dancers might find benefit in attending as many classes as possible.
These classes are designed to provide dancers with a chance to move in community with one another, to sweat and stretch, to work on their physical relationship to external and internal space, and to find both ease and power in their dancing.
These are not formal or official Countertechnique classes. Instead, Slender-White will use this opportunity to build upon his own understanding of Countertechnique, ballet and other techniques in order to provide dancers with an offering that is both familiar and new.
If you’d like to attend, please pay the non-refundable $35 below. Shortly thereafter, we will follow up via email with a Zoom link and additional information.
Feel free to contact the FACT/SF Operations Manager, Emily Hansel, at ehansel@factsf.org with any questions.
Banner Image Gregory Lorenzutti