FACT/SF Membership Payment options:
For new members, the cost is $120/year (prorated at $10/month for the remaining months of the year). For returning members, it’s $30 paid quarterly.
Venmo @factsf
Please pay the appropriate amount (Either $10/month for the remaining months in the year or $30/quarter), and include your name in the “note” section.
Mail a check for the appropriate amount (Either $10/month for the remaining months in the year or $30/quarter) to:
80 Turk St
San Francisco, CA 94102
Please include your name on the memo line.
Use the drop down menu below to pay the appropriate amount.
New Members: $120 for the year (at $10/month for the remaining months of the year).
Renewing Members: $30 per quarter (including the current quarter).